If you are looking for help with a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Weekly Meetings 16
Sunday 8:00pm AEDT
North Melbourne Sunday
Next meeting
Sunday, 16 February, 8:00 pm AEDT
North Melbourne Group
  • Attend in person
    St Mary's Hall North Melbourne

    436 Queensberry St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

    Near Howard Street

    Directions to the meeting
Monday 7:30am AEDT
City Daily Reflections Melbourne City Monday
Next meeting
Monday, 17 February, 7:30 am AEDT
  • Daily Reflections
Child friendly
City Daily Reflections Group

Email aamcdr@gmail.com

Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Ross House

    247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Diagonally opposite Brunetti Flinders Lane.
    Press AA door bell beside the front door.

    Directions to the meeting
Monday 12:30pm AEDT
The Gallery Keep It Simple Monday
Next meeting
Monday, 17 February, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • ID format
The Gallery Live Group

This meeting is closed on Public Holidays

  • Attend in person
    Level 1, 277 Little Lonsdale St

    277 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Upstairs. Above clothing store.

    Directions to the meeting
Monday 6:00pm AEDT
Arts Centre Melbourne City Monday
Next meeting
Monday, 17 February, 6:00 pm AEDT
The Arts Centre AA meeting is closed inclusive 17th Feb until 10th March
(Due to building works and the Labour Day Holiday 10th March)

The final meeting before closure is 10th February
Normal meetings resume 17th March

This venue closes on public holidays.
The concierge desk in the foyer can
direct you to the meeting.
Arts Centre Group

This meeting has been running for over 20 years. Originally called the Showbiz meeting, it was created for performers and actors to preserve anonymity in the industry. For the latter years the meeting has broadened, and we welcome everyone who seeks a meeting in the City of Melbourne.

Phone the group Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Arts Centre Melbourne

    100 St Kilda Rd, Southbank VIC 3004

    BHP Lounge Level 5 (downstairs from L5)
    However the group meet outside the building
    (Near the front doors opposite the Protagonist Café)

    Other markers:
    Someone has a pink umbrella as in the image.
    The Arts Centre is the building with the huge spire
    You cannot miss it!

    Directions to the meeting
Tuesday 7:30am AEDT
City Daily Reflections Melbourne City Tuesday
Next meeting
Tuesday, 18 February, 7:30 am AEDT
  • Daily Reflections
Child friendly
City Daily Reflections Group

Email aamcdr@gmail.com

Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Ross House

    247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Diagonally opposite Brunetti Flinders Lane.
    Press AA door bell beside the front door.

    Directions to the meeting
Tuesday 12:30pm AEDT
The Gallery Keep It Simple Tuesday
Next meeting
Tuesday, 18 February, 12:30 pm AEDT
The Gallery Live Group

This meeting is closed on Public Holidays

  • Attend in person
    Level 1, 277 Little Lonsdale St

    277 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Upstairs. Above clothing store.

    Directions to the meeting
Wednesday 7:30am AEDT
City Daily Reflections Melbourne City Wednesday
Next meeting
Wednesday, 12 February, 7:30 am AEDT
  • Daily Reflections
Child friendly
City Daily Reflections Group

Email aamcdr@gmail.com

Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Ross House

    247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Diagonally opposite Brunetti Flinders Lane.
    Press AA door bell beside the front door.

    Directions to the meeting
Wednesday 12:30pm AEDT
The Gallery Keep It Simple Wednesday
Next meeting
Wednesday, 12 February, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • ID format
The Gallery Live Group

This meeting is closed on Public Holidays

  • Attend in person
    Level 1, 277 Little Lonsdale St

    277 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Upstairs. Above clothing store.

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 7:30am AEDT
City Daily Reflections Melbourne City Thursday
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 7:30 am AEDT
  • Daily Reflections
Child friendly
City Daily Reflections Group

Email aamcdr@gmail.com

Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Ross House

    247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Diagonally opposite Brunetti Flinders Lane.
    Press AA door bell beside the front door.

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 12:30pm AEDT
The Gallery Keep It Simple Thursday
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • ID format
The Gallery Live Group

This meeting is closed on Public Holidays

  • Attend in person
    Level 1, 277 Little Lonsdale St

    277 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Upstairs. Above clothing store.

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 6:00pm AEDT
The Workshop Collingwood Thursday Big Book Study
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 6:00 pm AEDT
  • Big Book
  • Newcomer

Big Book Discussion Format

📖 Reading: The chair reads one paragraph at a time from the Big Book at a time.

💬 Sharing: Members can:
• Share their experience and insights on the reading.
•Ask questions related to the topic.

📚 Need a Book? Spare Big Books are available at the front.
The Workshop Group
  • Attend in person
    St Martins Community Church Collingwood

    215 Little Wellington St, Collingwood VIC 3066

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 6:00pm AEDT
Fitzroy Rainbow Room Thursday
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 6:00 pm AEDT
  • Open
  • Wheelchair Access
A welcoming and inclusive meeting for LGBTQIA+ community. Allies welcome. Named after the Rainbow Room meetings in Sydney.
  • Attend in person
    Fitzroy Library meeting room

    128 Moor St, Fitzroy VIC 3065

    Come through the library itself.

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 6:15pm AEDT
Sobriety in the City Melbourne City Thursday
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 6:15 pm AEDT
This meeting will be closed on Boxing Day 26.12.24

Please check with reception in case of room change
Sobriety in the City Group
  • Attend in person
    Multicultural Hub, Rehearsal Room

    506 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Check blackboard or with reception in case of room change.

    Directions to the meeting
Thursday 7:00pm AEDT
The Workshop Collingwood Thursday
Next meeting
Thursday, 13 February, 7:00 pm AEDT
  • Newcomer
  • Speaker
  • Step Meeting
The Collingwood workshop group runs a steps meeting which gives the newcomer the opportunity to hear a guest speaker ask questions and learn about the steps.

All are welcome!
The Workshop Group
  • Attend in person
    St Martins Community Church Collingwood

    215 Little Wellington St, Collingwood VIC 3066

    Directions to the meeting
Friday 7:30am AEDT
City Daily Reflections Melbourne City Friday
Next meeting
Friday, 14 February, 7:30 am AEDT
  • Daily Reflections
Child friendly
City Daily Reflections Group

Email aamcdr@gmail.com

Email the group
  • Attend in person
    Ross House

    247 Flinders Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Diagonally opposite Brunetti Flinders Lane.
    Press AA door bell beside the front door.

    Directions to the meeting
Friday 12:30pm AEDT
The Gallery Keep It Simple Friday
Next meeting
Friday, 14 February, 12:30 pm AEDT
  • ID format

The Gallery Live Group

This meeting is closed on Public Holidays

  • Attend in person
    Level 1, 277 Little Lonsdale St

    277 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

    Upstairs. Above clothing store.

    Directions to the meeting